does anyone know if there is a program for mac that allows us to view MPEG2 (.m2v) format? Ive tried programs like MPEG2Decoder that supposedly decode it into quicktime format, but i haven't been able to get them to work. any help would be appreciated
yes and it takes FOREVER to do
(not to mention that it crashed an hour into decoding on my G3/350 )
Converting is nice if you canna make a VCD...but if you jsut want to view something there is no sense in waiting for hours to convert and clutter your HD with lower quality vids
Upon some looking about, I have found this player. You have to move the mpg files of of the VCD, but then they play fine at full screen etc. I repeat MPG2 video seems tobe fully playable with this
The writer of the article that I read recommended that you install teh developer tools, compile videolan using the source, and run it from the command line. This is supposed to be better. I will try this (whe I figure out how to use them) using the source code. This may allow playback from the disk. As I needed a commercial DVD player for my PC to play these, I am pretty happy with this start. I hope that this helps out any other frustrated SVCD wanna players
If anyof you can post instructions on how to compile the code, so that I can have a crack at compiling the source, that would be gret. This hopefully could lead to the ability to play scvd's as svcd's as apposed to mpg2 files