Upon some looking about, I have found this player. You have to move the mpg files of of the VCD, but then they play fine at full screen etc. I repeat MPG2 video seems tobe fully playable with this
The writer of the article that I read recommended that you install teh developer tools, compile videolan using the source, and run it from the command line. This is supposed to be better. I will try this (whe I figure out how to use them) using the source code. This may allow playback from the disk. As I needed a commercial DVD player for my PC to play these, I am pretty happy with this start. I hope that this helps out any other frustrated SVCD wanna players
If anyof you can post instructions on how to compile the code, so that I can have a crack at compiling the source, that would be gret. This hopefully could lead to the ability to play scvd's as svcd's as apposed to mpg2 files