Posted by banyo_boy:
Another, countries (us too) could take a lesson fro Santa Ana, general of the Mexican army that defeated the Alamo. His armies were order that they not to kill anyone but men with arms against them.
This is a bit out of context, since in this case we are talking about an ongoing conflict where clearly one side was attacking the other. His order was a good one, I hope that, unlike last time, the US forces will follow it too...
But, we nowadays, don't care about history. We just care when the next Tom Cruise movies is coming out.
I don't get this one ...
So, if someone who comes up to you and broadsides you with a 2x4, you will do absolutely nothing... I doubt anyone has that restraint.
Wrong example, since you ahve to take into account our previous histories: Did I ever threaten or harm the guy? Did he previously harm me? Does he clearly and undoubtedly try to attack me? Certainly I wouldn't attack him or provoke an attack by drawing a weapon, which is more or less what the US is doing now with Iraq...
No, but you are using that Biblical passage out of context. The woman who was to be stoned, by law under Old Testament law, commited adultery. This was a personal sin that did not affect anyone but the adulterers. The mob then dispersed. Jesus said the the woman, "Go and sin no more." (John 8)
Why is it out of context? We are accusing Iraq of having sinned against UN resolutions, the punishment seems to be war, and america seems to be very eager to get to the stone throwing part... while it hasn't yet even concludively been proven before the UN that Iraq has in fact sinned...
We can use that agument with 9-11. The firemen didn't have the right to go into the buildings to interfere with the people for their own good.
You seem to miss my point by trying to apply it to an entirely different context. If asked, the people in the Towers would have consented. Moreover all of them were in clear and present danger.
I have some doubt that the Iraqi people would ask the americans again to help them, since last time they didn't. Claiming to be working in the interest of the population, while killing it is a bit far-going meddling...
Rather take this example: a women is delivering a child, both could die in the process... who do you save? Mother or child? SAving the one implies risking the others life.. are you ready to take this kind of decisions? Are you ready to decide that you well can sacrifice 200.000 Iraqi's in order to better the other's lives? That is a great responsibility you are taking then ...
You would sit and watch some one get the crap beaten out of them. I seriously hope not.
Again, by the use of a far fetched example you misinterpret what I am saying. I would try to separate two guys fighting, I would stand up for the victim of a bully, but I would not go and beat up someone before he even lifts a finger. I would try to talk them out of fighting, not hit them myself!
Also, are we not to help each other globally? Since globalization is so huge, why suddenly is everyone so happy in their own countries, thinking they will not get hit next.
Helping each other by starting wars is a very interesting perspective on globalization... I'm not at all happy in my country, I'd like it (the Netherlands) to integrate better into Europe as a whole, to drop barriers to immigration and import, to spend more on help to third-world countries, to invest in clean and durable sources of energy for the good of the entire planet etc. Hitting someone is one of the best methods to be hit back: it's called Newtons Law of SocioDynamics and Escalation ... to every hit corresponds a hit back of opposite verse and equal or greater force ...
What happens if we do stop? I guess we will just live in a world hoping some misguided and misinformed people doesn't bomb us.
I am not for this because not all our allies are supporting it, but I really don't want to see more killing by these loons.
BTW, these misguided people are trained from childhood in schools. These are 2nd and 3rd generation misguided people.
I am disappointed that people will let lunatics run around unchecked.
Instead of bombing them, you could try to build them schools, instead of destroying their electricity and water supply, you could try to help them, instead of leeting them remain poor and misguided and victims of religious fundamentalism, you could try to educate them.
You too are misguided since your childhood in believing that the way you view the world is the good one. So do I. But at least I try to overcome my limits, while you seem just comfy inside them. Don't american children get brainwashed too from their early childhood, by letting them sing nationalistic songs and swear undying loyalty to their homeland? Where's the difference?