MS Freestyle PC, a sneak peak by HP.

Originally posted by BuddahBobb

it can infact go both ways, personal experiences isnt really "proof" how bad or good a plat form is... everyone will have preferences, the best thing to do is to not let him get to you, instead of jumping all over it and having a heart attack, because some one is misinformed, try humoring him at least, it causes less stress....

If you will read anything in the thread you will notice that I'm all about giving everybody their options. In fact, I was defending the PC when all anybody else seemed to be doing was bashing on it. I still have all my PC's. There are things that they are good for.
and in all honesty in my experience, the mac os and the windows os are too similar to have bitch fests over all the time... and please dont start with the "windows copied everything mac" ... anyone with a level head can tell you its gone both ways, its called evolution of technology, we would still be stuck with Xerox's original GUI if no one improved on others ideas or incorperated them.

There is, without a doubt, things that apple has copied from other OS's. OS X is just the newest version of NeXT. Before that the contextual menu (right click) was taken from a non-apple OS. I'm not going to debate the who-copied-who thing. He thinks it's new. I'm stating most components have been around for quite a while.

and as far as im concerned this pc user didnt do anything wrong, he gave us a link to something new, and he happens to like the ideas that stem from it... its not like he came in here and called people names or "trolled"

I do see what you're saying with this, all I'm trying to point out is the fact that he's comming to a Macintosh board and professing the wonders of the PC. (I don't hang around on Wintel boards too often, so I don't know how much of this goes around) Although there is nothing wrong in posting the info, I am more concerned with the smug manner in which he goes about it. Also the only thing ever posted is information about Windows or the PC. If there was some meaningful info about the future of the Macintosh, or any info related to OS X, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I do keep up on the latest happenings of the windows world, and I do love to see the other side's perspective on things. But as long as it's done in a tasteful way. Which is not how I've seen this particular user do it in the past. If you haven't seen his thread over Win XP vs. OS X in the System Environment section of the picture postings you really should read it. There was a ton of [insert word here] flingin' happening both ways, but he was doing his fair share of it.
After watching the video's I can now see that it's almost exactly like a PC I built for a friend last year. Good idea, in theory. But it doesn't work in practice unless you have quite a few PC's in the house.

I wouldn't particularly enjoy setting down next to my entertainment center to work with my computer.

Maybe I've been blowing things a bit out of purportion with this instance. I never meant to make anybody mad with what I posted. I was simply trying to post fact.
I've seen everything I need to see, I've said everything I need to say. I'm done with this thread.

Now onto find more info about IBM's PPC 970 :D
im sorry but there was a lot of instigation there IMO

he used a theme to make his pc look like osx, he claimed the dock was faster (thats it) which is very possible and then all the mac users jumped on him for using a pc and making it look like a mac and put words in his mouth

true after that happened he acted like a complete idiot, but you guys do instigate alot in all honesty

i had the same theme running on my pc not too long ago, and an xp theme running on my mac... must say that the pc looked more like osx than the mac did xp ;)

its all in fun, sheesh calm down people :)

oh and for the record i have seen plenty of mac pokes at pc forums... it does go both ways

but i expect the "better" mac users to be a little more mature with their ummm defenses and not lower themselves to a flaming shît fest with "trolls"