MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

Uggggh. Nintendo's controller designers have always been (and still are) the worst of any. The Xbox controller, if your hands are big enough, is actually not nearly as annoying as you'd think, except for the black and white buttons, which are placed in an area where you can never really tell what button you're pushing. But Nintendo's designs... ugh. The NES was a joke. The Super NES was a joke (this, at the time that Sega had the Genesis controller!!!), the N64... oh, don't get me started. A big, ugly, completely unnatural controller with an extra handle for no apparent reason (the whole group of buttons on the left side shouldn't have been there at all, since you would have to switch your hand position to even use them!) and the GameCube controller, while I admit is probably the best one Nintendo has done, is still ridiculously unrefined compared to the PlayStation's. I mean, what's not to like about the PS2 controller? It fits perfectly in your hands; the buttons are in exactly the right places, and you don't think about USING a controller--it just becomes part of your game. For me at least, I always liked the shapes. It's a bit odd, but I thought they were kind of inventive. In any case though, the controller design is just FAR better. I don't own ANY game consoles at all (except for a Genesis/SegaCD/Sega 32x combo :)) but really, the PS2's controller is just much more intuitive...

I always liked the Dreamcast controller, myself... but that's just me.
Yes, but when was the last time you used the right analog stick on your PS 2 controller, hm? :)

Anyways, I should post something related to the topic.

Xbox should fail miserably and be a humiliation for Bill Gates and his company. :p
1) I don't own a PS2 :)
2) It's not used tremendously often, but it IS used, and it's under your thumb when you DO need it. The N64's extra buttons are NEVER in the right place, and the GameCube's shoulder buttons are so cheap and flimsy (and require your hands to move to get to them) that they're far more annoying.
the N64 has the best controller (although i havent used a game cube yet), the trigger (z) makes perfect sense what an idea, the PS controller with the analog sticks sucks they're utterly crap.

and mario kart is the best game ever
Originally posted by mrfluffy
the N64 has the best controller (although i havent used a game cube yet), the trigger (z) makes perfect sense what an idea, the PS controller with the analog sticks sucks they're utterly crap.

and mario kart is the best game ever

The GameCube controller is indeed well designed. I have to say it's my favorite among all the modern console's. I think the PS2 controller is pretty good, but I dislike the sensitivity of its analog sticks - it just feels unnatural.

Just my 2 cents.
Originally posted by anrkngl
10bellies: is that a 3-eyed vorticon?
A what?
(i'm drunk, and in no position to understand big words..)
Originally posted by Matrix Agent
I heard the gamecube controller was quite nice.
It is, almost perfect.
Up to this point, the most luxurious controller i've used is the N64 controller, nice egonomic design, with an analog joystick that actually offers some resistance, plus the buttons have actual names, rather than those goofy little shapes.:D
GoldenEye wouldn't be the game it is if it wasnt for the N64 controller.
From My Netscape ({CD2138D2-738E-4C60-8251-C66F045DE31E}):
But due to more expensive chip components and features that allow the Xbox to play DVDs and connect to high-speed Internet lines, it costs Microsoft about $400 each to make each of its game machines, estimates Richard Doherty, analyst with Envisioneering Inc.

In comparison, Sony earns about $14 each on its $199 PlayStation 2, according to Doherty. And executives from Nintendo said this week from the Electronics Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles that the company is close to breaking even with its $149 GameCube.

"If you want to bankrupt Microsoft, just go out and keep buying Xboxes, Doherty said. "They can't keep wrapping $200 bills around every Xbox they sell. It's not going to make Wall Street happy."

OK, Now everyone go and buy XBox's.:D
Sorry... but I love my XBOX... it has better graphics in my opinion than PS 2 and GC (and yes... i have played all of these systems... same game too...)

i love the controller... it feels so comfortable... doesn't make my hands hurt like the PS2 controller.... the GC controller is f*cking weird and i hate it more than life itself...

oh well, that's my $.02
I agree with you about 2 things: the X-Box graphics really are amazing, and the GameCube controller is my mortal enemy. :) But seriously, I like the XBox controller overall except for the horrible placement of the Black & White buttons. They just seem out of place, somehow.

The PS2 controller hurts your hands? Wow, never heard anyone say that before! :) The GameCube controller REALLY REALLY hurts my hands, but 99.999% of the people who don't own a GameCube complain about it the same way (and anyone who does buy one is magically turned into "this is the greatest controller ever produced" mode. That's what I hate most about Nintendo; they give people no real options. It's like everyone's a bunch of lemmings.
Why do I get the feeling this is going to turn into a "which browser is best" thread?:(

I have nothing to add to this discussion of which game system is best. I simply found MS's predicament to be rather humorous.

Soul Calibur is the best game ever. That's all I know.:)
I own a Xbox,GameCube,Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket, NIntendo 64, and Dreamcast.

and I think the GC controller is the best, the only problem I have with it is to hard to get your finger on the Z button. The Dreamcast controller is great, the Xbox conreoller is huge and hurts my hands after plaing for awhile, the N64 controller is a little wierd but is almost perfect, and all the GB controls are ok.

I have played on friends PS2's a lot and do't really like the controllers, they aren't very comftorable and the buttons are all so close and the same size that I press the wrong button all the time.
at E3, X-Box had 3 times as many new games announced for this coming year than any other system.

that's what i heard on techtv, anyway. the x-box is a good system, i won't deny it. it has SO many games. i'd prefer a ps2, but i can't afford any of that. it's okay, i just play guilty gear x on my dreamcast all day long anyway. but it'd be nice to play that new robotech game for the ps2 <drool>
Actualy there was a post on the MacAddict Forums that had a link to a Cnet article about how the Xbox was getting like any games that weren't coming out for other systems.

Trying to find the Macaddict post.......
well can't find it there maybe i can find the article at Cnet News

found it, here Xbox Struggling With Math Test