MS Office V.x and long file names


ill never 4get watsisname

Does anyone else have the problem of long file names being truncated and replaced with garbage at the end? This really drives me mad. MS Office V.x seems to only support 32 char file names, almost all files i have are longer than that, so when ever it opens them it conveniently renames them to unreadable garbage.

end rant.

The bit that annoys me is downloading the office updates in the hope that they fix such an obvious bug - yet they never do.
on which version are you now?
I find 32 characters pretty enough for filenames. But still wondering why office should cut them. You sure you are not opening the temporaly saved files? They tend to look this way...
here are pics of the problem

save dialog is when you type a long file name into the save as dialog in word

title bar is when you rename the doc in the finder then open it

MS Office 10.1.4


on an unrelated note, does anyone know of a safari plugin that shows pdfs in the browser, and/or how to change the format in which the system (10.3) saves screen shots?
The 32 character limit applies to all Carbon applications (such as MS Office, Macromedia Freehand etc). When it encounters a longer filename, the extra characters are translated into that 'garbage' text, which is actually how OSX deals with the file name translation between the 32 characters that carbon (OS9 & OSX) apps support, and the 256 that Cocoa (pure native OSX) apps support, in order to preserve the long filenames. 'Save As', however, will output truncated filenames.

And yes, it's annoying.