MS released Expression 3.3 as Freeware



Expression 3, the innovative vector-based stylish drawing and illustration software that continues to re-define vector graphics. Whether you are a veteran professional illustrator working on print-quality illustrations, a web designer building the most dazzling web site or a budding artist eagerly experimenting with various styles and techniques, you will find Expression 3 an indispensable tool for your creative tasks. It brings you the best of both worlds — the richness of pixel-based painting software and the convenience and editability of vector graphics."

Downloading it at the mo. Need to user it to comment, but it seems odd to me that Microsoft would release a creative product and for Free?

Humm has the world been turned upside down and back to front?
MS has been pretty friendly to the Mac world recently. Maybe they have an agreement with Apple to create products in exchange for "competition" that keeps the monopoly bashers quiet.

Anyone notice that on the spash screen it clearly states that someone else created it and Ms bought it? (like everything else)
They are just building a user base. With 3 well established vector apps out for the pro, it would be hard for them to take away form those. So start out free, so budding designers can take to it and hope to shift their way into the top 3. Illustrator is still my fav, then freehand, then the one by Corel i believe.

I downloaded it... the interface is just bad, and there are a few usability issues that stand out compared to Ill and Free. A lot of nice effects though, so i might try a few projects with it and see what the outcome is.
I tried it out... The interface is pretty crummy, but I need a vector app, and if I can get one for free, all the better.
I wonder if they're trying to hurt other companies - doesn't matter if MS gets exactly zero sales out of it, if it reduces their competitors' sales. What you'd call predatory pricing.

I guess it kind of coincides with Apple starting to put out a lot of graphics apps...
lol, now this is funny. I just had bought mine WEEKS before MS bought it and they make it freeware!? sounds like they'll be discontinuing this after they come out with the next, boxed version for the PC.

oh well. at least I have the printed manual and box.
Just for the sake of being curious, how much did this cost before they made it freeware?And another thing how did gerbick get to be so clever with aluminum,cubezilla indeed!:cool: