MSN Messenger problems


B.A. Economics (Hon)
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this: I can't login to MSN using version 3.0 X anymore. It just times out. Same thing for my friend's house, but all the Windows XP version I have, on my LAN, work just fine.

Did Microsoft ban us? I couldn't find anything in the archives for the past month on this...
MSN Messenger sux dick :D yeah I somtimes have the same problem but usually it works after a while. Never get this problem through Proteus though.

Personally I think MSN Messenger for mac sux dick, honestly...

Tried reinstalling, didn't help.

And the way Proteus manages my ICQ contact list is total crap in my opinion, so I don't wanna use that until they shape it up. But it's looking like it could be a really awesome application if they could integrate that better.