MSN Music open Swiss store before Apple

apparently apple is trying to get the job done right.....

but theres nothing to stop u from going ahead and using the MSN download service :) ull find nice songs thats wont play on ur ipod(or do they?) and cost from 1 to 1.3 euros :)
Well, on some French sites there were comments from a Swiss French person who asked around the labels, and they basically said that they were ready when Apple was. Which basically means Apple _isn't_ really interested in Switzerland. P**es me off, of course. But I'm still hoping the real reason is something else and that Apple will soon make up its mind and give us access here in Switzerland, too. And as our VAT is far lower, I'm hoping 1.00-1.20 CHF (about 1 USD) per track.
fryke said:
Well, on some French sites there were comments from a Swiss French person who asked around the labels, and they basically said that they were ready when Apple was. Which basically means Apple _isn't_ really interested in Switzerland....
Do you think that the labels would own up to it if they really are the ones dragging their feet? Besides, since when did "a Swiss French person who asked around the labels" become a credible source?
Well, I don't know, really - and I didn't say it was a credible source. However it was the only thing I've read, basically, since Apple, too, would never say anything out loud about when those stores are coming or why not (yet).
What 'ya mean 'even' in Australia? ;) ... Btw.: Swiss paper "Sonntagszeitung" mentioned that there might be some problem with our 'outdated' copyright laws that prevent labels from creating online music stores. However: I wonder if MSN has found a way around that issue or is just ignoring the labels' complaints, or whether Apple sees _that_ as a reason to not create a Swiss iTMS right now... Who knows...
Time will tell... I'm just surprised because usually distributors keep higher margins in Switzerland than in any other countries... so that iTMS could make some real margin on their sales.
papers in norway tells the same story from up north - norwegian MSN music store is launched, iTunes still on hold.
in addition, if you say apple won't launch outside the euro-zone, i guess the store won't come around for a while either, but reading norwegian medias i kinda get the impression it will.. they said MSN beat iTunes at the finishline .

Yeah, but that's just some journalist speaking there... If he _did_ have info, he'd probably have written it differently. ;)