MSN Nothing!


Hey guys, one of my main apps to use is MSN Messenger (for all my sins), and rescently it just wont log in!!!! have there been problems with everyone? i have deleted the app and re-installed it but to no avail. i even tried logging in from but that wouldnt log in either! even though yesterday when i tried it on my friends Awful Compaq Windows Laptop it seemed to work perfectly, has anyone got any ideas?

Everyone must go buy Kylie Minogues new CD by the way heheheheh :)
Well, I have half the problem.

I can log in to MSN using Fire, but Messenger 3 refuses to make a connection.

I cannot trace this to anything recently, except maybe one of the recent security updates.

Most of the people I know here in Europe use MSN rather than AOL, which is a shame since an alternative would be to use iChat. Hopefully Apple will release a multiple service chat application at some point (iChat2)

Its a shame that we still don´t have iPhoto print services running here in Europe either. Not fun to to US .Mac users getting $49 in print services, while we still have nothing.

At least Steve Jobs found his way to Paris this year.

Let me know if you solve the MSN problem.

A wile a go i had a similur problem,

Open MSN ~~>Cant Log in ~~> Open Sys prefs ~~> Check for updates ~~> MSN Logs in :confused:

Also when i had Powerpoint open, it wouldnt conect :(

Yep, can't log MSN. Neither Proteus. Fire works (good joke hahaha), though. But it's just so ugly…
I had problems with it a few days ago... but all I needed to do was delete the prefs and it worked fine.
MS's MSN Messenger Server (or whatever they call it) tends to burp every now and then.

Same problem happens on my Windows box, I can spend a couple of minutes to an hour or more without being able to connect.
Then all of a sudden it connects... WTH?