Multi-Language Support?


One thing I haven't been able to figure out while playing around with X is how to input foreign languages.

I know there are International keyboard options, and so on, but so far, I haven't been able to figure out how to actually <b>type</b> in other languages.

Just for the purpose of comparison, I have a multi-language version of W2K installed on my work computer. To type in Korean, say, I just hit the right alt key (it's usually labelled as a "Hangul" key on Korean hardware instead of "Alt"), and it switches the input mode to hangul. Then when I type, whether in a word processor window or an ICQ message window, Korean characters spill out. I simply hit the right alt key again to switch back to roman characters.

I haven't been able to figure out how to replicate this functionality in Mac OS X.

Anyone have any clues?
it's simple :p
1) go to the international pane
2) Select the foreign keyboards you want
3) A little US flag appears on your menu
4) click on it
5) Select the language (flag) you want
6) Type away in your favorite text program

Its as easy as 1-2-3-4-5-6 :)
Any questions ? :)

Thanks for the response! But I tried that, but only roman characters spill out. :-(

I noticed that enabling non-English languages like Korean doesn't automatically install the necessary fonts. Is this simply a matter of not having Korean fonts installed? If so, where can I get some?
I am not sure about korean (or chinese) but for japanese roman characters come out and then they are translated.

For example you can type

Ohaio Gozaimasu and the OS will translate that to the appropriate japanese characters.

I am pretty sure this is the way it's done in all asian languages that use pictographic letters.

PS: the fonts should be there, OS X uses unicode and I think they have korean in some form or factor, but I cant say with certainty.