Multiplayer on LANs- macs & pcs


Ok, I know this has the potential to start a flame war- which is not my intention.

But my roommate has a PC gateway and we're on the same wired lan.

To my horror I found that most (all?) the Aspyr games I have bought (legally) won't multiplay with PCs! This is bad sice Aspyr handles the vast majority of the EA ports to mac os (grr).

C&C Generals, Homeworld2, etc etc won't play on a LAN with PCs.

So my question is- what are the best RPGs and RTS's that can multiplay on a lan with BOTH macs and pcs? I don't want to have to keep buying mac games at 3 times the cost of the PC version, for an inferior product that wont multiplay with half the computers out there.
Im just guessing, but wouldn't Warcraft 3 do it? Otherwise, the online component would be really boring cause hardly anyone would be on