Mac OS X does not support multipe master fonts at this time, and I have doubts that it will ever get in there. I talked to the Font Reserve people, who indicated that Adobe discontinued MM fonts a couple years ago. I've tried
Suitcase X, but that does't help, and I don't think Font Reserve for X will be any better when it comes out.
The readme's I've seen for Adobe Illustrator 10 indicate that there's a some
special code in Illustrator to render MM fonts, but I don't know about any of the other Adobe apps.
Your best bet is to use something like TransType from FontLab to generate individual Type 1 files for each instance of the MM fonts you use. Unfortunately, TransType will only generate instances one at a time, so it will be a long process. I've also talked to the FontLab folks to suggest that they fix it so you can generate Type 1 fonts for all instances defined in OS 9 by ATM, but I don't have strong hopes on that either.
Thankfully, I only have one MM font (Ocean Sans). Lucida Sans is very close to it (especially the italic), so I'm thinking about just saying screw it and buy that font and convert it to make both Mac and Windows versions for my designers.