Multiple NIC cards: how do I deal with them?


I have a powermac with 2 ethernet cards installed. One of them, "en0", is connected to a T1 line to the router of my internet provider. The other, "en1" is connected to a different router that corresponds to a local network.

There are only a few IP addresses that I'm interested in communicating with via "en1". When I try to ping these addresses, or do a traceroute on them, it seems to be going through "en0" and its router. Can I configure things such that when anything tries to communicate over an IP address associated with "en1", it actually uses "en1"?

Ok, what you'll have to do then is to use 'route' from the terminal to manualy edit your routing tables to tell the system to pipe through en1 when accessing x.x.x.x.

The command will be something like sudo route -v add x.x.x.x -interface en1 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the computer on your LAN; you have to specify them one at a time.

Remember to check man route before you begin to make sure the syntax is correct and that options you need are all there.