Music in - CDs out


Hello everyone.

I have a lot of old music on cassette tapes which I'd like to get into my Mac, reprocess for noise etc., and save as music CDs before the tapes degrade any more.

Could someone tell me what equipment, cabling and software would be good for this?

Cheers, Lazzo
Depends what machine you have. If it's one of the ones since Apple removed the audio input, then you'll need something to get the sound into your machine. The cheapest solution for this that I could find is the Griffin iMic. Other things are available, but unless you're interested in recording instruments etc, you don't need anything more powerful than this really.

Even if your Mac DOES have an audio input, you'll still need a cable to convert the output of your cassette deck to a mini-jack plug.

then software - there are loads of shareware options out there, which are all avalible on Versiontracker , but the choice usually comes down to Felt Tip software's SoundStudio or Hairersoft's Amadeus 2. I prefer Amadeus, and if you're recroding from tape you might find it better because of its quite advanced (but dead simple) denoising capabilities. It's cheaper too.

Hope that's some help.
Thanks - I should have mentioned it's a G4. I'll buy the iMic today. Amadeus is now at v3.5.1, I've just dl'd that. It looks like the cables that came with Toast should fit.

Just remembered - I've got an old LCIII with mic input. That might be worth playing with, if I can put up with OS 7!

Cheers, Lazzo