Music relocated to different external HD



I have moved all my music from one external hard drive to another.

A previous poster referred me to an Apple document that states that there are two files that should not be moved [to the new hard drive].

These are iTunes library and iTunes Music Library.xml.

I have a question: should I want to completely stop using this hard drive, what would I do? Am I allowed to move the files to the new hard drive? Or do I have to keep this hard drive on forever just for these two files?

I usually just move the iTunes music folder and when I do this, I go to preferences/advanced and change the link to reflect the move of the music folder.
Should I move them to the new hard drive?

(these files: iTunes library and iTunes Music Library.xml.)

Which folder exactly should I place them in???

Within the iTunes Music folder? Or in the Music folder one step above that??

I just don't want to mess up the entire library because of these two files.

The Apple doc claims that "After the folder has been copied, locate your original iTunes Music folder, and drag it to the Trash or Recycle Bin. Note: Don't remove the iTunes library files that may be in the same location as the iTunes Music folder. For more information about the iTunes library files, see this article."

Here is the link:

Thanks for your help,
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Those two files have to remain in place. They're within your user's home folder. Are you seriously dropping the harddrive your user's home folder is on? If you're moving the whole system installation to a new drive, that's not the problem.
Those two files have to remain in place. They're within your user's home folder. Are you seriously dropping the harddrive your user's home folder is on? If you're moving the whole system installation to a new drive, that's not the problem.

I'm sorry but I don't think I understand what you're saying...should I move everything, including those two "crucial" files, to the new hard drive? Or should I place them in the computer's built-in drive? I.e. the internal hard drive of the iMac. I'm just trying to move the music from one external hard drive to another, but I'm not sure what I should do with those two files.
