MWSF Keynote news, comments, photos, ...

Steve’s reminding us about the Jam Packs
Jam Pack 4, Orchestral: #1 request
8 to 8 track recording at a time
Real-time music notation
Pitch and timing fixing
recorded tracks are now as flexible as software instrument based tracks
make your OWN loops
fun vocal transformer
John Meyer again to demo it…
New GarageBand. Realtime music notation from Garageband. 8 track recording. pit & timing fixing. create your own loops, and more. John Mayer invited on stage. Records 4 tracks live on stage. [10:18 ET]

new iDVD supports more more formats. New Menus. One-step DVD creation. All DVD formats supported.

Jobs introduces iWork, successor to AppleWorks. Built with Mac OS X and iLife in mind. Two applications: Keynote 2 (cinema-quality presentations, animated text, powerful animated builds, presenter display, self-running kiosks. Jobs says he used Keynote for everything

interactive slideshows and self-playing keynote slideshows.
New Application called "Pages" as new word prcoessor. Footnotes, etc. 40 Apple designed templates. Drag & drop rearrangement of templates. Very easy starting point. Phil Schiller invited on stage to demo new word processing application: Pages.
Pages uses real-time animations, fe: when moving a picture, the text adjust real time to the picture's position
iWork, successor to AppleWorks

iLife '05

Final Cut Express HD; $299.

01:34 PM - The Mac mini fits in the palm of your hand. Hook it into your own keyboard and mouse, or Apple's.

01:34 PM - The Mac mini looks like a 3" tall CD drive. A short cube. All the connections, DVI and VGA.

01:33 PM - Introducing the Mac mini -- ThinkSecret was right!

01:32 PM - "Why doesn't Apple provide a stripped down lower cost Mac?"

01:32 PM - iWork available January 22 for $79