S senne Registered Jan 11, 2005 #1 Just to keep everything organized. Post news, comments and photos about MWSF here. Type confirmed new products in bold. Like this: iPod shuffle confirmed, see ipod-shuffle.com
Just to keep everything organized. Post news, comments and photos about MWSF here. Type confirmed new products in bold. Like this: iPod shuffle confirmed, see ipod-shuffle.com
S senne Registered Jan 11, 2005 #6 Spotlight is much better than Microsoft's or Google's alternatives, according to Steve Jobs.
S senne Registered Jan 11, 2005 #8 No problem, Scott. BTW, I'm translating the important things from MacOSX.nl.
S senne Registered Jan 11, 2005 #10 Spotlight will be available for 3th party developers, to integrate the technology into their software. (cool)
Spotlight will be available for 3th party developers, to integrate the technology into their software. (cool)
T tscrace Registered Jan 11, 2005 #12 New version of Mail for Tiger uses spotlight technology to search mail boxes.
T tscrace Registered Jan 11, 2005 #15 QT 7 Indeed - 24 channels of surrond sound, support for high-def. video, live resizing.
S senne Registered Jan 11, 2005 #18 tscrace, keep on going. I'm going to get my self a cup of coffee now.
T tscrace Registered Jan 11, 2005 #19 Wasn't steve just demonstarting QT 7 scalability with that cell?
S senne Registered Jan 11, 2005 #20 Extra Dashboard Dock under the normal Dock when Dashboard is activated. I don't know what that actually means..
Extra Dashboard Dock under the normal Dock when Dashboard is activated. I don't know what that actually means..