My computer works funny after waking from sleep

I can't put my computer to sleep anymore because of this problem:
When the computer goes to sleep on its own, it doesn't seem to want to wake back up.
When i put it to sleep, iTunes doesn't quit, and it crashes within a min of trying to put it back to sleep.

I don't have this problem under os 9
I reinstalled OS X
I tried it out under a dummy account and it still doesn't work.

comments? suggestions? help?

Try a PRAM reset: restart and hold down Command-Option-P-R until you hear the startup chime go off again (or to really clear everything, hear the startup chime 3 times) and then release everything.
Incompatible USB or FireWire devices can prevent the system from correctly entering sleep mode. However, don't know if this applies to your situation.
My coputer won't fall asleep any more. :( I don't know what's up. I think it's a software thing, seeing as i install all kinds of little things. It used to sleep just fine a few weeks ago. Oh well.

PS how do you reset PRAM in X?
I've got a similar problem. When I put my Quicksilver to sleep (running 10.1.5) it will start up but almost immediately locks and eventually displays the kernal panic code for one of the processors. I only have the keyboard and mouse hooked up via usb.
Hopefully upgrading to 10.2 next week will fix this.