My Continuing Nightmare...


Thanks everybody for the overwhelming response to my permissions nightmare...Here's what I've done now:

Decided to Erase my iMac disk and start fresh.

Threw in my Jaguar disk, ran disk utitily, selected erase disk.... and erased the disk.

Rebooted to install OSX....Wait a minute...these are UPGRADE DISKS!! I need a previous version of X to continue!

No problem, pulled out the OSX disk, rebooted, held down option... waiting...started Jaguar installer. Same problem.

Rebooted with Command E...then E. Then every freakin' key combo I could think of!!!

All this to say: How the heck do I get my Jaguar disk out of my iMac now that the HD is clean so that I can stick in the X disk and start fresh?

Gulp. Thanks in advance for your infinite wisdom.

What, you didn't know that hole was there? Hmm... When you said iMac, I thought of the new ones, and I don't know if they have a paper clip hole, even though computers have had those ever since they've had removable media drives.

Did you try holding down the mouse button?

What is E/Cmd-E supposed to do? "Eject"?
Don't be so quick to condemn. Cmd E will not eject the start up disk.

I have been in similar Catch 22s, in fact I am in one now. You quickly lose the the most basic knowledge when you are painted into a corner and, as ususal, a deadline looms, usually because it takes days to resolve issues, during whih time your work piles up.

We may be used to some of the arcane easter eggs that are "solutions" to some of these extremely crippling problems, but we weren't born with them.
Another option for ejecting a stuck CD - which works even if the disk has been erased because it is in the firmware - is to hold down shift while you power on.
Originally posted by symphonix
Another option for ejecting a stuck CD - which works even if the disk has been erased because it is in the firmware - is to hold down shift while you power on.

I believe that's hold down the mouse button while you power on.

Wade press and hold the Eject button from the keyboard after you hear the startup sound (on new Apple Pro Keyboards) or F12 on some older keyboards... :D

