My First Real look at OSX


Just barrowed an iBook from work and its my first time really messing with OSX. From bootup I have fallen in more love with this OS. So far I can do everything that I normally do on a PC.

I wasnt sure if the iMacs and etc were worth the price that Apple has put on it but I can now tell its worth it and more. Now I just need to save my pennies to get one of these:D

Running a G3 ibook :D
If you have any experience with Unix (Sun, Linux, BSD) you with love it. With a program called Fink, a world of Unix programs will open up to you on OS X. A place you might want to check out is called
Yeah I just found the Terminal, I feel right at home with the commands that I learned over the year of messing with Linux... I just bookmarked the link on my PC for now until I can get enough money saved up for the PowerBook I want. G4 here I come, lol.