My iMac has a life of its own !?..


hello to all
in the last few days something most disconcerting has been happening on my iMac : when i'm typing something ( regardless if using Mail, TextEdit, filling out a ''box'' or other.. ) suddenly it starts typing capital i's endlessly, like this : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - luckily in ''short'' 15 to 20 letter bursts, except twice where it kept doing it until i restarted it.
first, even though it's a new keyboard that has NEVER had a drink spilled over it, i thought a key was sticking so i removed the batteries from my wireless keyboard & kept typing alone thus ruling out the keyboard as the source of ...
i don't know if related but a few days before it did twice a burst of alert sounds ( i have funk selected.. ) that sounded like a ''machine gun'' effect made of said funk alert sound
so far i've only had three or four episodes but i'm dreading this could become more serious - as in permanent..
anyone has a clue what this is ? is this a symptom something nastier is about to happen ? should i stop using the iMac until this is sorted? any help will be greatly appreciated
Have you checked to make sure there's no gunk in the keyboard causing this to happen? Food, hair, and other particles can do this. Try using a can of compressed air and see if that resolves the problem.
Go to system preferences/international/input sources or its called language and text/input sources in Snow Leopard. Check the box next to keyboard & character viewer. Then there should be a country flag (US) displayed in the upper right corner of the menu bar. Click on the flag and then click on show keyboard viewer. This will open a virtual keyboard on your desktop and when the issue occurs keyboard viewer will show it happening if its coming from the keyboard. Otherwise try testing with another keyboard.
Hi guys
& thanks for the input. yes i cleaned the keyboard, not that it needed it really, since i make a point of NEVER having either food or drink anywhere near it but as you say it could be a bit of whatever foreign matter causing it. before all this,i made a clean,fresh re-install of Mac OS X, then installed Snow Leopard & it ran just fine for about three weeks so my guess is that it isn't due to any ''misbehaviour'' of S.Leopard or incompatibilities with other software i have. i have all updates, fresh batteries, the works. Djackmac, i'm going to follow your suggestion it sounds pretty awesome & am also doing a hardware test - at this point my main worry is if this is a sign of a major ''meltdown'' in the works so to speak....
i'll keep you guys posted , many thanks & happy new year
i must give it to you : you nailed it man . i did just as you told me & right on, there it was, typing alone . now i took the wireless back to the shop ( it's under warranty.. ) & am using the wired one until....
cheers & thanks again