Thanks for the complements, but I don't think I'll be submitting my effort for the prestigious Turner Prize (one year's finalist simply reconstructed her
messy bed). However, I like exploring sound and images.
Well, I certainly don't have SSB, but certainly enjoyed watching all 4 vids...
I spent a whole day in 2004 being driven around Bangalore, India. It was supposed to be a pleasurable tourist jaunt. It was spell-bounding.
Most roads had three lanes marked on each side of the road, but usually there were five to six cars, trucks, buses, mopeds, tuk-tuks all lined up side by side. The traffic lights all had a numbering down system and you could feel the enormous tension built up in every driver as we counted down from 30 seconds to 0. Once the light turned green all hell let loose.
Every city bus was covered in huge dents. On one city overpass we were were doing 60 mph and suddenly there was a cow standing in the middle lane without a care in the world. How we didn't hit it is a miracle to me.
Apparently there are four deaths in Bangalore everyday due to traffic accidents with a city population of 12,000,000. On balance is seems a low figure.