My Media Network???


Several Questions, more of an ongoing discussion...

- I would like to have my music/movies, stored on external hard drives, on my wireless network, accessible anywhere. Ideally being able to watch and listen to my media collection anywhere in the world via my Macbook Pro w/ wireless network, DVI (video) out, & Optical (audio) out

- My Hardware: A PowerMac G4 Quicksilver, A MacBook Pro 2.33 GHz Intel, A Seagate 300Gb External Hard Drive, A Lacie 250Gb External Hard Drive, A 500Gb network External Hard Drive (just ordered), A linksys WRT54G Wireless router. Both on OSX 10.4.9

- How can I set this up?
- What quality will my audio/video be over the net?
- What format should my ext. drives be in? (OSX Extended?)
So you want a NAS (Network Attached Storage) setup. Well the easiest way you be to buy the new Airport Extreme. Now the problem you are going to run into is that to share with a PC and Mac the hard drive must be formatted FAT32. However FAT32 has a 4G file size limit. Well there are several ways around this. I will list two different ways to share the wireless hard disk fully on a Mac AND a PC.

1. On the wireless shared drive format i in the propriety closed Windows NTFS file format. Then in OS X download and install the bleeding edge program packages from NTFS-3G and hope everything you do works.

2. Make the Windows box bend to OS X instead. Format the drive for OS X Extended (Native OS X format[/url] and then download Macdrive on the PC. This way Windows can read/write to OS X native (even with long file names) and the PC will see OS X format like any other drive.

These ways of sharing the disk are several different ways to share a disk. Then In every iTunes just go to the preferences and point the iTunes Library to the wireless hard drive.