My name is Jimmy...and I switched


Got a 2.0ghz macbook for the ol birthday and I have to say. IT'S AWESOME. OSX is just so easy, beautiful, and it does what you want it to do...much like a drunk model. While XP, meh, not so much,

Interesting analogy. :p Nevertheless, welcome to Macintosh and welcome to the forum. :D
Have fun with that MacBook - it's a beautiful machine.

Please note that we do not necessarily condone drinking and, umm, mac-ing. ;)
welcome to the forum. my experience of switching a couple of years back was made all the more happy when i kept on finding out about even more cool stuff that it can do that they don't tell you about. like... hold shift when you do anything that's graphically cool (minimising a window, for example)... or right click on a badly spelled word, and it'll give you the right way to spell it... etc
I'd have to say I wish I had the same luck as you, Jimmy. I got an iMac today and the day is not even over and i'm already having trouble switching.

The mac won't read my external USB HD completely for one, it just reads the first three folders and that's it. I talked to someone else on another forum and it looks like iMac has issues reading from NTFS.

Furthermore, I'm confused. Where exactly do documents get saved? It seems it just magically disappears somewhere. It would be nice to know where my documents are being saved.

And how come it looks like the applications are being stored on the desktop? I want them in the HD somewhere with just a shortcut. I don't want to accidentally delete my apps...

Is there like a website like or something? Someone point me in the right direction before I rip my hair out...

Don't get me wrong, I WANT to like Mac. I just spent some money buying one and I want to see the magical "connect it and it works" phenomena mac followers keep raving about.

Someone please help.
welcome to the forum. my experience of switching a couple of years back was made all the more happy when i kept on finding out about even more cool stuff that it can do that they don't tell you about. like... hold shift when you do anything that's graphically cool (minimising a window, for example)... or right click on a badly spelled word, and it'll give you the right way to spell it... etc

Wait, I don't see no right mouse button on this Mac Mouse...
If you have the Mighty Mouse (which has a little scroll ball in the center), you can configure it to act as a two-button mouse. The Mighty Mouse has two "sensors" on either side of that ball, and if you open up System Preferences and select Keyboard & Mouse, you'll find the option to configure the "sensors" for primary click and secondary click (aka, left click and right click, respectively).