My New Mac


Hello on Tuesday i got my used 15" Imac G4 BEST PURCHASE OF MY 13 YEAR OLD LIFE! It all started in 1997 when my parents got our first pc. It was ok until we got our first virus. Well upon reinstalling windows we realised we lost our book with the cd-key on it. 5 Days with customer support. Then in 2001 we bought our Dell. The first time we turned it on it crashed. We had to call cust. support on the first week because it died. They had to send a technition out to replace the modem. Soon we were reinstalling windows once a month. In 2002 i was writting a report for school and the system crashed. That was at 12:00pm needless to say my dad had to drive me to a internet cafe that is open 24/7 so i could write my report. They had iMacs the first time i saw it i fell in love. These were g3 imacs with mac os 9. So in July 2002 i hoarded all my money to get a $40 dollar power macintosh 7500. It was so awesome but slow and i wanted os x. So in 2003 i convinced my parents to buy me a $200 g3 450mhz imac with Jaguar. It was so awesome tell it died in 2005. So then my parents dumped the dell on me and bought new HP laptops. Well i already hated it it never was used for any kinda of productivity because it crashed all the time. Well i dicided i wanted a mac so i started saving for a mac mini. Well time goes by and its May 2006. I only had $450 so i bought this awesome iMac. iMac G4 700mhz, Combo Drive, 384 mb ram, apple pro speakers and keyboard and mouse. My only complant is it came with 10.1 but im soon buying 10.3 or maybe 10.4.
Sounds great. The G4 iMac was a pretty cool looking machine. And coming from a few Dells, a 7500, and a G3-450 you just won't know yourself. :)
Congrads, I like the story because you were determined to get a Mac, and did it by saving for it yourself. Sounds like you got yourself a nice system. You can check out ebay for the retail boxed version of Tiger, may save yourself a few bucks.:)
just make sure it's _really_ the "retail" box. there are a lot of people trying to illegally sell the Tiger version which came with their computer (and keep a copy for themselves...).
Congratulations!! You wanted something bad enough, and you obtained it with your own resources and with diligent saving. I think you are off to a great start with many macs in your future. Congrats again.
Hello its me again if any of yall are still listening thanks for the comforting welcome. I thought this was a great purchase because if i do play video games it will be on my WINDBLOWS dell that my mom uses for work now. This g4 screams enough for me and hopefully with a newer version mac os x it will be even faster. Once again thanks!
Actually... ;) ... I'd get Panther (10.3.) and not Tiger, if you intend to stay with 384 MB RAM (just saw that now...). For Tiger, I wouldn't recommend anything below 512 MB RAM. I've used both Panther and Tiger with 512 and 1024 MB RAM (well, and now with 2048), and the step between 512 and 1024 was so big that I'd not recommend using Tiger even below 768! It sure depends on what you're doing, whether you have many apps open at the same time etc. - either way: I think Panther would be the better step when restricted on RAM.