My Panther dogtags from the Apple store


Ministry of Re-Education
They just built a new apple store near me. I took one step in that place and I instantly felt overcome with lust for machines. I went in there hoping to get myself hyped up enough to buy a dual 2ghz G5 but I played around on one for about an hour using mainly Photoshop 7 and I found myself unimpressed and unmoved except for the case design. Oh my god the case! It is so much more amazing in person. Anyway I'm sticking with my dual 1ghz for now and I walked out of that temptation palace with Panther, but the real cool thing I got was the dogtags. Real brushed metal. ::angel::


Don't mean to be a killjoy, but they would be much better if they were embossed rather than what looks like painted.

Hey, how can I get some of those? And how much were they, or do/did they come with Panther?
I agree embossed would have been even cooler. arden: I got those free with my Panther purchase but they were givin those out to people even if you didn't buy one. Pobably can only get them at an Apple store. I wonder how much I could get for these on ebay. heh.
They look pretty cool, but they're the kind of thing you throw under your bed and forget about for a few years. I really wish I could have got to the apple store though - would have been a real fun party.
But the real question is, Habilis, why weren't you impressed with Photoshop on the G5? How much RAM was in the test machine? Was it PS 7 or PS 8? The DP G5 is supposed to burn through PS these days.
It had 1 gig of ram. It was Photoshop 7. Well. All I know is I have a standard battery of Photoshop tests that I always run on any machine to test it's power.

First, I restart. Then, with all other apps closed, I make a new document at 300dpi 8" X 10" CMYK. Then I run gaussion blur 20º radius, radial blur/zoom@50% high quality, then I try a standard gradiated brush 300px wide @ 100% opacity black and run the brush across the screen a couple times.

What I saw was the same exact problems on a DP 2ghz with 1 gig of ram. There's redraw problems, the brush can't keep up with my cursor, and the blur effects still take too long to render.

Sure it's a hair faster, maybe shaved off 2 or seconds but that sure as hell is not worth $3,500. Not to me at least. What I've said before around here is that if somebody didn't tell me, I would have thought I was still on my G4 1GHz DP with 1 gig ram.

Give me a dual 4GHz and I'll be there to pick one up. sure that the black X's are the back???! have i been wearing mine backwards all week? the apples are the front or back?