My Photoshop artwork...

Gekko, didn't you read any of the stuff we said? We want you to learn from your past, mistakes or not, and become better at what you like to do. I don't think colleges like people who jump to conclusions while ignoring contradictory evidence.
Look at it this way, it's a good thing that you used the plug-ins. I think all beginners need to go through that phase, that way you learn what they can do and know the abilities and limitations of each and how they work together to create unique effects later.
Originally posted by Urbansory
Look at it this way, it's a good thing that you used the plug-ins. I think all beginners need to go through that phase, that way you learn what they can do and know the abilities and limitations of each and how they work together to create unique effects later.
Exactly! The wild & exotic filters are sort of an initiation to Photoshop. They are fun to use (and abuse) at first, but eventually you find yourself using them hardly at all, exactly as I did. Much of what I do now is editing, where I don't use but a select few filters at all; rather, I concentrate on the tools I need to use, such as Levels, Hue & Saturation, etc.

Nick: I hope you actually can draw a straight line in Photoshop... select the line tool, hold shift, click, drag, and let go. If you're referring to the brush or pencil tools, well then neither can I, but that's not what they're there for. :)