my PHP doesn't work,why?


when I open .php file by IE, always show php-code.i have edit the file of "httpd.conf",edit code
"DirectoryIndex index.html" to "DirectoryIndex index.php"
but ,my PHP doesn't work still. why?

who can tell me, what will i do?
have you tried restarting Apache?

you can do it from the command line; apachectl graceful

or you can just do it through the System Preferences

I've had the same thing before, when I was a newbie

I'm an old hand to installing php .. made all the mistakes, done all of the reinstalls!
Speaking of PHP not working, I found a problem in my installation. I just managed to download Marc Liyanage's PHP4.2.2 module for 10.1 (his www2 subdomain still works):

Now, he notes on his instruction page (if you could ever get to it!) that there is no php.ini file, yet all of the configs show up in phpinfo();

I've found that I can get a config using cfg_var_get() or ini_get(), but that I cannot set it using ini_set() -- makes no difference.

Is anyone able to account for this? Is it due to the lack of php.ini?
(If it is, we might have to download the source and copy the php.ini-dist file.)

Thanks, David
no, the lack of a php.ini will not stop php from working, it'll just kill some of the features you're used to

creating a php.ini file is quite easy, just use pico on the command line. you might have to create the correct directory / folder for it first, though