My problem with iTunes

So you're saying iTMS isn't the best online music store just because they don't have Radiohead yet? And what is the "best" online store if sales aren't a factor?
Personally I love the iTMS. I've spent far more in 1 year on it than I have at record stores in several. I used to just borrow people's CDs mostly and rip copies, purchasing some.
Now I purchase some that I can't find online, but it's so much easier to browse online, listen to the sample and pick what I want - and I can do it whenever I want. As far as experience, my enjoyment is listening to the music, not the shopping for it.
The iTMS has a great selection and it's only getting better. And for the stuff I want that it doesn't have, I can still go to a record store and do it.
One thing about it for me is the package. With iTMS you just get songs with tags specifying they belong to such and such album. Sure, you can download the cover art, but, well, whoop-de-do. A CD has the insert, the back, and often the behind-the-CD art. And a nifty case to carry it in.

And CD's can't hold a candle to vinyl records when it comes to cover art. Go to a store that still sells vinyl, and you'll see how great the art really is and is meant to be. You'll see what you're missing with just a CD or just the iTMS.

In the end, though, it's about the music, and being able to listen to whom you want, when you want, and if the iTMS floats your boat, so be it.
Are all the bands, groups etc US based? i havent really had a good look but mabey it has somthing to do with each band from each country and its rights. eg: when the music store opens in europe then all the groups, bands from europe will be on the music store?