My Title Bar icons disappeared



My title bar icons (you know, in the top right hand side?) have disappeared and now System Preferences won't open for some reason (I had the Time, Volume and something else up there). Earlier today System Preferences locked up so I Force Quit out of it, and since then it has not opened (it just bounces once in the Dock then stops).

How can I get System Preferences to open up and get the title bar icons back?

All help most appreciated.
The first port of call would be to open disk utility (found in applications->utilities), select your root drive (the one you boot from) and repair the permissions using the "Repair Disk Permissions" button towards the bottom left of the centre screen.

This usually sorts out minor problems such as these.
Thanks mate. I tried that and unfortunately it did not work. I still have a naked title bar.
This is typically caused by something hanging SystemUIServer.

Try deleting from ~/Library/Preferences. Then Kill the SystemUIServer process (either via Terminal or Activity Monitor) or you can log out and back in.

Hopefully this will restore your menu bar.
Thanks man. I deleted, but then couldn't find SystemUIServer in Activity Monitor, it just wasn't there.

I logged out and came back in, and still nothing in that title bar.
Thanks anyways mate.
Anyone? System Preferences still won't, it just bounces once or twice in the dock and then stops.

And I still have no title bar icons. I find myself looking up there for the time, and it's not there. sob sob.
Also try trashing

Users/your name/Library/Preferences/ByHost/

Also, you might get lucky by updating your system (if it's not already up to date)

You have tried, rebooting, right? Of course, sorry.

Hopefully that'll help. If not, might need to do the dreaded "Archive & Reinstall".
Thanks for the help man, but that also did nothing. And yes I have tried rebooting.

My system is, unfortunately up to date, so that's not an option.

I'll see how I go. thanks again.
Try creating another user and see if the same issue happens under the new account.
I tried that program and deleted some stuff. I don't know that it was the right stuff, anyway nothing happened. Now, I don't know whether this is related or not, but I cannot get my iPod to appear in iTunes. It will appear on the desktop, just not in iTunes. The same thing happens with my sister's iPod on my computer. Also, today the screen went crazy on me. There were approx. 10cm lines of pixels flickering all over the screen. It freaked me out as my iBook is now out of warranty so I shut it down. When I came back to it a few hours later it was fine and still is now as I write this.
Mat: iBook G3 or iBook G4? I don't want to jump the gun or make you worry too badly, but the crazy flickering pixels does unfortunately sound very much like the logic board failure a lot of the G3 iBooks had (and some of the G4s too!)... I had the problem six times... Apple exchanged the logic board under warranty (even beyond 12 months; they have some info their site).

There is some petition plus stories here from people who had the problem...

It seems that if you are lucky, Apple will replace the logic board - if you're not, they won't... In case you run into an employee who is not very helpful, just keep asking for their superior, and their superior, etc. etc. etc. It can make a difference! Just in case that that is the problem you are experiencing...

Hope this helps...

OK. Back to this problem. I have once had my logic board replaced, and there are no more monitor problems. What I mentioned last post have not reoccurred. However, I still have no title bar stuff and am still unable to open Sys Prefs. PLUS I can now no longer get iTunes to recognise my iPod. My iPod appears on the desktop and is usable there, however iTunes will have nothing to do with it, which means of course that I am unable to add songs/update playlists - so annoying.

I can't help but think that all of these problems are related. Does anyone have any advice. I am also noy sure which files I should be looking at deleting using Onyx. Is it the System Cache? And if so is that not going to screw some stuff up?

Any/all comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks. Mat.
Download the Combo Updater for the system you have and run it and see if it corrects the problem.
Happy Birthday. At this point, I'd say "uncle" and do a good ol' fashioned Archive & Install.
Thanks ra3ndy. Uncle? I've decided to back it all up and do a fresh install of OS X. I was lucky enough to have a friend that could lend me his external HD. There are almost 4 years of files on my iBook and a lot of it I don't use anymore. What I do need and want I will put back on, and what I don't I will try to burn to discs. I'm a little worried about the little things going missing though. Things such as bookmarks, e-mails and cookies. I have copied all of my bookmarks. I think I am able restore my e-mails from the ~Library/Mail files. I am not quite sure of the cookies though. Can anyone tell me where I find them and how I restore them.
