Myl G4 is acting very alot of little ways.


OK guys...bear with me. I'll keep this short.

I'll admit that half the time I don't really know what I'm doing, due mostly to impatience and laziness, so if i'm glazing over some obvious things, please let me know. Also, forgive me if any of these issues are discussed elsewere here.

Okay, I'm on a dual G4, OS X.1.5. I was offline for about 9 months, so I'm wondering if I missed some crucial updaes along the way. A few months ago, I was back on again. anyway, it started with my (1)Sherlock refusing to open. And it still doesn't . No clue to that one.

Other things, like temporarily (2)not being to open .DMG files, and, there was a while where my (3)computer would refuse to eject a disk, and even (4)properly startup at one point. Alot of these things oddly resolved themselves, for now.

Then, last week, my (5)scanner mysteriously dropped out of Photoshop. This is, of course, after (6)reinstalling Pshop itself and then running Norton to get the damn app to even open.

THEN, 3/4 of my entire (7)iTunes library vanished, yet all of them remained in the application folder.

And now, whenever i want to (8)stream something, OS 9 starts up, and it'll still does nothing.

i know it's alot, but do you see what i mean? all these eccentric, irritating little mishaps. i'm wondering if all these strange things are due to one thing in particular, or bigger, more spaced out problems.

has anyone experienced even one of these problems?

all and any help will be appreciated. i'll even buy lunch. wherever you are.

I know this sounds facetious and obvious, but I would highly suggest upgrading to Panther 10.3, or at least Jaguar 10.2. Both of these systems offer increased stability and performance, all for under $130.

I'm sorry i can't troubleshoot any particular problem you're having, but OS X 10.1.x is getting long in the tooth and is fast becoming outdated. Jaguar or Panther will perform beautifully on your dual G4.
Then, last week, my (5)scanner mysteriously dropped out of Photoshop. This is, of course, after (6)reinstalling Pshop itself and then running Norton to get the damn app to even open.

EEEK - one thing you seem to have missed is that the only thing Norton is good for in OS X is a coaster for iced tea. It can seriously mess up your system.

I have to agree with el diablillo and say look for a system upgrade. If money is a problem ;) you may be able to buy a copy of Jaguar on e-bay ($20 - $50) and then upgrade it with the combo update on the apple site (10.2.6 was very stable for me, 2.8 had a few machine/configuration quirks, but outside that was also very stable)

thanks alot guys for the fb. as soon as i come into a little more loot, i'll do that upgrade. and checking for it on ebay sounds like a good idea. i could find an extra hard drive too.

so, when i upgrade, do i need to back all of my stuff up, or will it completely bypass all that?

also, i still have OS 9, which i absolutely never use. what of that can i get rid of, if not the OS itself? or in order for X to run, is it crucial to have 9?

thanks again, dudes....
