MySQL... can't export my database!¿!


play thing
I'm trying to export a MySQL database from my local machine so that I can move it to my web server, using phpMyAdmin.

I set the export setting to how they should be for my requirements, then press go.

The problem is that I am not shown a dialogue box with instructions to save the data..... so no file has been created.

Can anybody help me with this?

Have you ticked the option to save it as a file? Are you gzipping it or anything? Have you checked your default download location to see if the file was created there without prompting you?
I think it's a issue with Safari

• I'm saving to a file
• gzipped
• default download loaction is my desktop ... empty
• Safari downloads window ... empty

Tried it with Firefox and it works correctly

Not sure what Safari's problem is? I AppleJacked the machine but it hasn't sorted the issue out.

Thanks for the response though.