MySQL Instal Errors

In fact, I did install MySQL onto Jaguar using Marc's instructions. :) MySQL works fine... just not from the command line.

I've been doing searches (google and this site), and this BPT/trap thing is apparently showing up with some other OSS installations. Apple moved around some libraries, or changed them, breaking many dependencies.

I had a somewhat similar problem with Marc's standalone PHP 4.1.1 install... but he said he didn't have time right now to update it for 10.2.

Once I get past a hard programming deadline, I'll probably come back and try reinstalling MySQL again. Hopefully in the next few days there will be some corrective patching from Apple, and some fixes from the OSS people.
Let's see... I have gotten a little out of touch with this thread post, so perhaps this bit of info is not of much use, but ...

For those of you having trouble with binary versions of MySQL and are debating going about doing a source compile/installation, you might take a quick peek at the following Apple page:

Apparently,the Configure file of v4.0.x of MySQL needs to be edited before one can get MySQL to install on Jaguar.

m(_ _)m
hey mntamago,

been a while since you posted your csh.login hint, but I just got round to doing it at last, and it works a treat...

Big big thank you:D ;)
Now I'm getting the same problems as everyone else (now on my G4... clean installation):

dyld: ./mysql Undefined symbols:
./mysql undefined reference to _BC expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
./mysql undefined reference to _PC expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
./mysql undefined reference to _UP expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Trace/BPT trap


Sorry, I been here and there on the net searching for info concerning my Tomcat problem...not to mention coming down with a 39 Celsius I have gotten a bit out of touch.

Glad to hear the csh.login hint helped.

In regards to your....

dyld: ./mysql Undefined symbols:
./mysql undefined reference to _BC expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
./mysql undefined reference to _PC expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
./mysql undefined reference to _UP expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Trace/BPT trap

...I get this feeling that this is bigger than just mysql!!!

Why? Well at a different posting site ...

...I posted and was trying to get info about tomcat. One of the questions that came back was "could I run other Java software?". I had not thought to trying that, so I promptly went about trying to run some of my Java based appli - one simple HELLO WORLD type program, and one entrying data into postgresql through it Java interface. Well, to my surprise, both programs coughed up the same type of error. Namely, something dealing with dyld:

dyld: java multiple definitions of symbol _JNI_OnLoad
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Libraries/libjava.jnilib(java.o) definition of _JNI_OnLoad
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Libraries/libnet.jnilib(net.o) definition of _JNI_OnLoad
Trace/BPT trap

So, I am seeing again and again, problems here and there all relating back to this dyld.

What were you doing,or trying to do. with mysql when you got the dyld error?
Thankfully I have refrained from installing Jaguar on our Server! This problem is on the clean install of my G4.

Anyways, I think my problem is the same as others, can connect to MySQL with phpMyAdmin, but not from the command line (which is where I would rather connect from):(
I do not use phpMyAdmin, so I no nothing about it basically. Yet, is it possible that phpMyAdmin uses a different user/permission to access mysql from that the terminal is using.

What I am suggesting here goes more like this. When I access mysql thought my browser/cgi type set up, the user using the DB is nobody (or WWW, I forget which). I have had to set up an account for this. When I go throught the terminal, I use root.

Is it possible that phpMyAdmin users a different user?
no phpMyAdmin uses root (as specified by the configuration .php file you have to configure prior to installation).

It seems to be a command line access problem then, since php files from the web server also seem fine to connect.:(
The trace /btp trap garbage is related to commandline access. For me it's only ever manifested on the commandline, indeed, I can't even import:

./mysql DBNAME < /path/to/dumpfile

which really hurts. I use easysql.php (found on as a sort of drop-in database management script for each of my projects. PHP has no problem connecting with it.

My question is this: Has anybody who installed the developer CD had this problem too, under jaguar? I'm hoping that perhaps the dev CD has more/better libraries or something.

I not really sure what you mean by "this problem too", but if you mean importing/inserting from the terminal, I seem to be having know problems eventhough I have installed the dev tools that come with 10.2.

The script I us to import is the following shell script.


mysql << EOF
load data infile "$1" into table log_access.access_m fields terminated by ' ';

I run this off the terminal by typing...

csh 99_DBinsert.csh /Users/DB/LOGS_MySQL/LOG/200109/20010921.log.txt

I guess that because I am connecting to the DB via csh, in the strict sense I am perhaps not doing this from the terminal.

BTW, atfer installing 10.2 and the dev tools that came with it I had to 1) go to Marc Liayanage's page and get his 10.2 version of mysql; 2) "reset" my mysql user account in the NetInfo Manager - Apple took it upon themselve to screw around with my mysql account without premission...I guess the mysql user I created was done without their permission, eh!; 3) do a chown -R mysql:staff on all my previously owned mysql directories to get things back to normal; 4) rework my permission within mysql by doing inserts into the user, db, tables_priv of the mysql database - the normal grant all ( select, update, delete etc) on a_table to some_user did not work for me when I tried to set/reset permissions in mysql.

Things seem to be working fine now, as far as mysql is concerned.
mntamago -- thanks for the pointer about the shell script! I'll see if it works for my current problems with commandline mysql access.

I had to follow the exact same steps you did after upgrading to Jaguar (reinstall mysql, chown to mysql user, rebuild mysql user in netinfo, &etc.). I guess the problem manifests whether someone installs the developer CD or not. :( Oh, well.

By all appearances, my mysql is functioning normally. But then again, I really have not yet started to "use" it in my workings. Until the recent present, I have been a postgreSQL user, battling with psql on Mac. However, I felt that postgreSQL did not offer the speed, and it also was harder to work into tomcat appli, so I was just in the process of transferring over when 10.2 came out.

10.2 wiped out my tomcat set up - not to mention mysql. I have not got mysql back, but have yet to get tomcat back. Once I get tomcat back I will start to go deeper...and perhaps start to find more mysql problems. But until then, perhaps my "all appears fine" does not carry the weight that those of you who are using mysql extensivly are experiencing.

Additionally, because I had basically a clean mysql DB -i.e. no tables and data I cared about loosing, I think I deleted the whole thing, went to Marc's page, got the new 10.2 package, and started all over again...that is if memory serves me correctly.

So, perhaps these differences account for something!?
Damn, I'm still getting the error!


I have done the NetInfo MySQL user bit, changed the /usr/local/mysql with chown -R mysql:staff mysql... and still nothing!
Originally posted by uoba
Damn, I'm still getting the error!


I have done the NetInfo MySQL user bit, changed the /usr/local/mysql with chown -R mysql:staff mysql... and still nothing!

Okay. Let's get a bit radical here!

If memory serves me correctly, when one installs mysql by the packages that Marc Liyanage has posted on his pages, applications/utilities (or whatever) get installed into /usr/local/bin . If you take a glance into this directory you should see various files that start with my* . BTW there are also files that belong to mysql, but do not start with my*. These are all installed by the package installer.

I deleted all the above files in /usr/local/bin/ that I thought belonged to mysql. BTW, when I was in doubt, I renamed the file and check to see if something similar had been installed after the new installation was completed.

Now, with the above deletions completed, I conducted installation as if I was completely new to mysql. I even renamed the old mysql directory I had on my hard disk at that time -

mv mysql old_mysql

So, with all this said and done, once you have the new package installed check /usr/local/bin/ for new items installed. Play around with the new mysql for awhile. If everything seem to be going along okay, then one can work at bringing the old back into the new.

The radical part (?) comes when one starts to move entire directories back and forth between mysql and old_mysql. The specific directory I have in mind here is ./data.

Well, how's that? Radical? Perhaps not.

Oh yes, the Golden Rule then is "not to delete, but rather rename". One wants to be able to get back to the start line if everything goes heywire!