MySql mess with tiger


I have installed MySql and have a complete mess. I tried uninstalling it by removing the file titled "mysql" in /usr/local, however when I try to install it again the binary installer informs me that I alread have a newer version of this software installed.

How can I simply remove MySql, along with all of it's settings and re-install it on a clean slate? Ultimately, I intend to install textpattern with it...that was what I was trying to do in the first place.
Could you tell us how did you try to install mysql? Did you install it via Fink or Darwinports or downloaded a package from another site? Many packages include an uninstaller script or at least some instructions.
Mysql, besides being the name of the complete program, in fact is also the name of the "client". The name of the "server" program is mysqld (mysql daemon). Check whether you removed only the client and then if needed remove the server and try to reinstall again.
When you install applications through the, i.e when you have a .pkg file to install from, as you probably did with MySQL, the Installer also saves a file in "/Library/Receipts/" with the same name as the Installer package.

If you installed MySQL 4.0.20, you would have a file in "/Library/Receipts/" with the name "mysql-standard-4.0.20-apple-darwin7.3.0-powerpc.pkg".

The Installer packages almost always contains a script that checks to see if a previous or newer version of the software has been installed, by looking in "/Library/Receipts/". If it finds a receipt that tells it so, it will tell you either to upgrade the old version, or that it can't install because a newer version has already been installed.

MySQL always installs in "/usr/local/" if you use an installer package from MySQL, or Marc Liyanage. If you remove the files there, it will be gone from your system, and you can install it again as soon as you also remove the receipt that saved.

So, go check "/Library/Receipts/", and maybe also "~/Library/Receipts/" to be sure. If you find a "mysql-...-powerpc.pkg" file in either place, delete it and go ahead and run the installer again.