Just updated to 10.1, and mysql broke --
d/l'd 3.23.42 and installed over 3.23.37,
tried doing all the safe_mysql junk, and not doing it...
rebooting a few times in the process...
mysql startup IS in the startupItems,
/tmp/mysql.sock IS there,
mysqld IS running,
BUT I get the classic error :
'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)'
any ideas? I can't remember how I fixed this last time...
d/l'd 3.23.42 and installed over 3.23.37,
tried doing all the safe_mysql junk, and not doing it...
rebooting a few times in the process...
mysql startup IS in the startupItems,
/tmp/mysql.sock IS there,
mysqld IS running,
BUT I get the classic error :
'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)'
any ideas? I can't remember how I fixed this last time...