MySQL startup


I use mysql for fooling around, learning and trying out different packages. Once it's running, I can basically get it to do what I need. It's the startup that has me flummoxed. I usually just start it up and forget it. As I rarely shut-down my iBook, I don't have to do it often and I can't remember how to start it again correctly.

I use

sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe

and it starts but it doesn't give me back the shell. I usually just close the shell window but it doesn't seem right.

How do i get out of startup more gracefully?
sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe &

Adding an & to the end of a command runs it in the background.

For some stupid reason unknown even to myself I wanted to save post 400 for more than a thank you. Afterwards, i wish I had used it for that.

Thanks a lot for the nod.
You might also just run the startup item (which comes as a package installer as of MySQL 4). MySQL is super lightweight and very well optimized, so don't worry about it bogging down your system if you have more than 64 RAM and 200MHz processor...