NAV v9.0 b1


should i give this a go?
I've only heard bad things about norton on macs...but...

(norton anti-virus if you dont know "NAV"
alright well i didn't feel like waiting for a responce any longer...
so i installed, i clicked on scan files, and its been scaning for about 3 hours (maybe more) and i only have a 60 GB hd, w/ only 25GB full!

it seems to be able 70% done right now...
i'm still waiting...
Out of curiousity, what options are there for mac osx Anti virus software? I know with freebsd I never ran a AVP because well, it wasn't much needed...OSX being bsd like, I'd imagine that the viruses are rare, but I'd still prefer to run an AVP. I'm not sure if we (being the university I attend and work for) supply a mac AVP now that I think about it...but what options are there, and which ones are recommended?
In MHO, I don't think I need antivirus software right now. In the future, who knows, but now. . . no.

There simply aren't enough Mac viruses floating around out there.

Does anyone disagree?

Originally posted by dktrickey
There simply aren't enough Mac viruses floating around out there.

I think the main use of AV software on the mac is to prevent you from passing on PC viruses to your friends.
Originally posted by celeborn
I think the main use of AV software on the mac is to prevent you from passing on PC viruses to your friends.
Yeah that's pretty much why I use it.
Originally posted by dktrickey
In MHO, I don't think I need antivirus software right now. In the future, who knows, but now. . . no.

There simply aren't enough Mac viruses floating around out there.

Does anyone disagree?


I thought the same thing until I had the "pleasure" of fixing my friend's machine.

He had an OSX / AOL virus that created a number of problems on his TiBook.

Better to be safe then sorry I guess.

I like Virex, I use it on my machines, mainly because you can use the terminal to run it. (The GUI version seems to be a bit slower.)