NEC 3550 DVD not working with G4 tower


I was told to use Patch Burn to fix... my problem.. but I guess I didn't install it right.

I was reading one of the threads here and came across a message that a guy that was having problems with his DVD player.

I too purchased this yesterday.. and come to find out the the software that came with the unit... is not Mac friendly.

I searched on the web.. and found the Patch burn software. I"m not sure if I installed it right.

I downloaded it to my desktop.. followed the directions, and selected what I had to.. and then it a sked me to restart. But after that ...nothing happened.

Did I do something wrong?

I have a G4 (tower) running on 10.2.9

I really appriciate any help that you can give... t

Thank You!
Yes I did.. it reads it.... but when I double click on... lets say a dvd.. their is nothing in the file that it can read.

That patch... I'm trying to see if I can install it right.. but I think I didn't.

MP3 files.... open fine without a problem
Open DVDPlayer, go to the File Menu to Open and navigate to a DVD in the drive and see if it will play.