Need advice: network routers


a.k.a. dundee
- We have 3 imacs connected with airport and we have cable internet that needs to get through to the 3 of them.
- We are currently using a software router on one of the macs in which the internet in plugged in.

Our problem is that the Internet provider changes IP addresses a few times a week so we got a software router to notice the change and then set itself up properly with the new configuration.

But we want to migrate from software and let a hardware handle it all.

Does a network router (the hardware type) do the same (with dynamic IP adresses)? Which one would you recommend? Or stay away from?

Linksys has a family of routers wired and wireless that work very well with dsl and cable modems. I've set up many systems for friends using a combination of PC's, laptops, and Macs (using OS 9.x and 10.x).

Dynamic IP address are expected and are transparent.

Go to their site and review the manuals. Programming is browser based from any connected computer.