Need B&W G3 firmware patch for G4 CPU


Hi all

I've done this before a while ago, so I know it can be done. I need the firmware patch to make a blue and white G3 accept a G4 CPU. When I did it, I just booted into OS 9.2, ran the updater, rebooted, held the programmers button in till the tone stopped, and viola! G4 ready. Now, I can't find the patcher anymore to do this. Has anyone got a copy of it? I have a Mercury G4 I'd like to install in said B&W G3. Thank you all!
I have a used CPU card, so no factory CD. However, several makers used to have this patch on their sites but for some reason, took it down. However Fastmac has the patch, so I got it from there. Problem solved. Thanks though!