I think there's been a trend in design for some time now away from frames. There are some reasons for this. The first is that the look of frames, if you don't explicitly do some color-setting and width-setting of said frames make a page look dated. Another reason is that it makes navigation and bookmarking harder for end-users, in some ways. Finally, it can make the back-button work in unexpected ways for end-users.
Finally finally, , frames are often used as crutches for bad design of naviation.
Now, this last doesn't seem true for your page -- your page has a straightforward nav-on-top model. If it were me, I'd just lose the frames. I can imagine the heart-rending response: "But Mr. Zero, then I'll have to put that header on every page!" My reply: "Learn #!include virtual " or its equivalent on your webserver.
-make a page look dated... yes, if they use bad colors like you said. Don't do that
--Yeah, bookmarks are the biggest problem.
---Overall, I think frames are great for design...the iFrames are really good. too bad NN does not support them. Frames keep the important stuff in view all the time.
---- yes, include virtual is the best... but not all servers support that.