need help compiling in osx vs. Linux


As part of my research, I have been compiling and running a model (all fortran 90 scripts) on our university's Linux cluster test module. I purchased a MacBook about a year ago, and would like to learn how to compile and run my model on osx. To build my model in Linux, I set:

1. env. variables for MPI and NETCDF directories

2. flags for -llapack -lblas

3. user-specified fortran and c compiler overrides (fc and cc)

A colleague advised me to 'use gfortran as part of gcc 4.3+. To be installed by use of fink', but I honestly do not quite know where to begin doing all of this on my MacBook. If you can provide any guidance, point me to another forum / reference, I would greatly appreciate your time. Thanks!
1) You can get precompiled NetCDF binaries here:

Although MPI won't be of any use on a single machine, you may need it to compile your code, you can get OpenMPI source code here:

You can also get various versions of MPI (MPICH, LAM MPI, OpenMPI) here:

2) liblapack and libblas are already installed in Mac OS X (in /usr/lib)

3) You can get gfortran as an installable package (installs in /usr/local) here:

That should provide you with everything you need.