A few things to consider/do:
I. Thing The First: make sure you have backed up your data. If not, goeth thou to a Local Shop--if you are local--and obtain an
External HD--1-2 TB are quite cheap these days. BACK UP your
Internal HD. So if you frell something up, you have not lost all of that valuable Belgian Licen Porn you have been collecting.
I prefer a program that
clones your drive--
Carbon Copy Cloner--which I have not but many Gurus HERE use and is free--or
SuperDuper! which costs a few bucks and some thing is the best cloning program. The thing is, you want to create
bootable clones.
TimeMachine is not bootable. So if/when you frell up your
Int-HD and/or it dies, you will be able to boot off your
Ext-HD and continue on whatever foul and unspeakable activities you do--like surfing the Internet to buy a new
II. Thing the Seconde: Consider Purchasing a Bigger Int-HD which does not solve your immediate problem of "what" is taking up space. Let me tell you--500 to 750+ GB is rather nice as I discovered when I upgraded. Something to consider, especially if you like your MacBook Pro and plan to keep it for awhile.
III. Thing the Third: Get a Program that Shows What is in the Space Two I now of are the FREE
GrandPerspective and the not-free
WhatSize is a bit easier to use but, frankly, for the cost and the number of times you will use it, you might as well consider the free program and save the $$$ for a bigger HD and/or more French Lichen porn.
What if that does not "show" the extraneous space?
Is it possible you were cloning your drive and something interrupted you--like your cat unplugging the
Ext-HD? This very thing--without the cat--happened to
moi--lost connection to the
Ext-HD. Your cloning program basically creates a virtual copy of "you." If it has nowhere to go it will put it . . . somewhere. The problem is finding THAT.
There is a thread I was on about that but when
I try to search for it, I keep getting an error. So perhaps a Guru can help you--or you might search for it--but the file will be hidden in an account. DO THAT only if you recently failed to clone. Otherwise, you are probably wasting your time.
So, in summary, I would suggest using
GrandPerspective to see if you can locate "what" exactly is the extra space. I would do that after cloning your drive because if you remove this and it destroys your volume . . . well . . . much easier to simply clone back and try again!