NEED HELP!! My Harddrive wont mount


I have a Powermac G3 Blue & White 350mhz 419ram running Panther 10.3.1 and I have a problem I cant het my second HD to mount everything was fine i was working with it thismorning and i did a norton speed disk on it thismorning when it finnished My HD would no longer mount befrore I did this it worked fine I have tried Using DISK WARRIOR 3 to recover the disk but everytime I do it give me the error message that it cannon Rebuild due to a Mac OS Servises Error i dont get it any ideas I have the option to reformat BUT I CANT !!!!!!! too much data that I dont have backups of also the disk shows up in disk utility and i check it in there and it shows that the volume is ok it just wont mount in OS 9 or X any advise people PLEASE !!! thanks again in advance
Norton's + OS X = Bad news.

Boot off the Panther CD and try Disk Uitility.
Open Terminal and paste this in;

defaults write skip-verify true

Restart the machine and see if it mounts.

You can reverse this in Terminal with this;

defaults write skip-verify false

Once you try this, make sure to reverser, you don't want to leave it that way.
I tried both of your solutions and nether worked I ran the script and it told me that it did mount the drive however it did not show up on desktop yet all disk utilities still insist that the volume is fine any other ideas ??
Do you have access to another machine that you can put the drive into?
Not a Mac I have a pc but I dont think that will work and my other mac is an imac so no wahy to get it inside
Try disconnecting the drive that does mount and restart and see if the bad drive will mount, that is if you have a system installed on it.

Next, reset the CUDA.
Press the Cuda reset button on the logic board to reset the Cuda chip. The Cuda reset button is located on the logic board to the right of the battery. There are 2 buttons there, the one closest to the battery (S4) is the CUDA.

Next reset the Logic Board;
1. Unplug the computer.
2. Press the Power On button on the front of the unit.
3. Open the side access panel.
4. Remove the battery from the logic board.
5. Wait at least 10 minutes before replacing the battery.
6. Make sure the battery is installed in the correct +/-
7. Reassemble the computer and test the unit.
i tried that also did not work however I also tried a program called Drive 10 and THANK GOD THAT WORKED !!! funny thing was it said that the disk was fine but I forced it to rebuild the directory info and it worked got allmy information off that HD and zero formated it I am so happy thanks again for your help
Great. Drive 10 isn't a program I would have thought could solve this problem.