Need help reformatting external hard drive set up as RAID 1 ??


I'm using 10.5 and disk utility and and trying to figure out
how to reformat a 500 gb OWC firewire drive BACK to
one partition of 5OO gbs. It is set up currently as a RAID 1
and two approx drives @ 240 gbs. I've tried everything
with disk utility and can't seem to figure out how to restore
the drive back to one 500 gb (Non Raid) ?

Thanks for any help !!
First of all is there any data on the drive you are concerned about? Its been a little while since I've done it but under the RAID tab have you broken the RAID by hitting the - button to take it out of the list then tried to reformat?
I've been "out of the loop" for so long I can't figure out how
to attach a screen shot of my disk utility that may clarify some.

Is there some user settings that will allow the full function
of email function I'm typing into ? I click on the "little paperclip"
icon and nothing ?

Thanks again !