need help! wireless DSL connection issues - linksys routers


Alright, here's the prob. I have an iMac that does not have an airpot networking card but I do have two wireless Linksys G routers and a Linksys access point.

In my main room, I have a DSL connected PC. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to split the DSL wirelessly to my MAC and if Linksys and Mac are even compatible???

I'm not sure if I should use the access point because I don't even know what it's pretty much I'm stumped with pc to mac networking. Any help on the issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!

A basic explanation would suffice, I can work my way around the rest : )
As far as Linksys routers working with Macs then no probs they definately do.

Not sure exactly what your trying to do but you can always get a wireless usb device to plug into your iMac to make it wireless. You can generally find them easily on ebay but make sure it is one that works with a Mac.
'I have an iMac that does not have an airport networking card but I do have two wireless Linksys G routers and a Linksys access point' - of all the wireless Linksys G routers made which specific model(s) do you have? Of all the Linksys access points made, which specific model do you have?

'I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to split the DSL wirelessly to my MAC (that does not have an airport networking card) ...' - answers itself. Most routers have Ethernet ports, use one to connect to the iMac.

'... and if Linksys and Mac are even compatible???' - yes, they are.