Need help with school


Master of Reality
so, every year my school has a science prjects fair thingie, and usually I know what to do it on, but this year I just can't think of anything. It has to have an experiment, and it has to be "scientific" or whatever. I need ideas! I'd like it to be something preferably with technology or physics and preferably NOT biology or life science :). thanks for all input.
Put a fully functional Mac on a desk, and base your experiment on how many PC Users will "Ooooh" and "Ahhhh" at it and think about or actually switching! :D

Kidding! ;)
what kind of experiment (i.e. "what are the effects of calcium on a battery" type experiment) could I do with an asymmetric capacitor? it looks very interesting.
Tormente: What's up with the secret identity???? Bond, James, Bond.

xaqintosh When my 13 yr old daughter had to do this Science Fair thang and didn't want to do the alum crystal growing on the string, we did a Google search for Science Fair projects and came up with a TRUCK load of be quite honest, I can't remember WHAT she did end up doing (I'm about 48 hrs without sleep atm, give me a break) but she got an A and it was cool. Have you already exhausted the idea of searching the *gasp* INTERNET for ideas??? :D
well, I want it to be something vastly unique and creative. it seems that every other year something just "comes" to me, and I do an awesome job. unfortunately, if the pattern keeps up, this won't be a good year.
well it has to be done by march, but we were "supposed" to start like 2 weeks ago, meaning that the teacher is making us write in our little journals about what we're doing so far, and I didn't even know what I was doing mine on yet.
A few years back (1996 or something), my friend was doing a project on electroheleological fluids (aka ferro fluids). Pretty neat stuff.

And since i was one of the few guys in my school on the net, I used my trusty 386 (16mhz) system, jumped on the newsgroups and yanked some info for her.

Mind you, this was an isp sent me some demo software to try their service out...a seperate tcp/ip dialer that launched a d/l prog. I realized pretty quickly, that when i closed the d/l prog, the dialer was still active...and hence, I could surf for free. :->

But I digress. *l*
Oh! i have got a good one. my physical science teacher showed us the really cool thing where he had a long hallow aluminum tube (one inch thick with a one inch diamiter) and her droped a magnet (fairly strong) through it and if you looked at it it looked like it was falling through water!!!

i could get some more info on monday
(btw excuse me if i spelled anything wrong it's 2:30 in the morning ><)
Something really fun to do is make an thunderstorm in a bottle. I did it a long time ago and it was really a crowd pleaser as well as fun to put together. Or you could make the atmosphere of mars in a bottle, which is more complicated but nontheless funner!