need help with wireless router

I just got a D-Link wireless router. I have it all set up with my DSL modem, but when I type in the IP it tells me to in the internet and try running wizard the "next" button in the setup doesn't take me anywhere. My airport connects to the network and gets a strong signal, but I cannot use the internet because its not techincally setup yet. Can anyone help me? Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks.
Can we get more infomation.

So what happens is you try and access the internet but it says its not connected? Does your D-Link wireless router have an IP address on its external interface.

i dont use the dlink products my self, I prefer the linksys. So I cant talk you through the configuration, however if you can supply more infomation we can try and get it configured.
Setup your internet connection over the first tab using WAN. You will need to specify the internet connection. Pick the dynamic PPP connection type and fill in the data you got from your ISP. Then go to the last tab (Stats?) and check out your connections. Is your WAN connected or does it say: connecting..?
Be sure your DSL modem is connected to the WAN port of your dlink router and successfully synced.
Thanks. I got it. It was a number of things: not set up right, and more importantly I needed to give my ISP some information.