Need some help



Please go to
and on the bottom on the page vote for one girl on the left and the guy on the top right (Pakarinen), thats me. Press rosta (vote) you don´t have to register or anything.
If I get amoung the 4 best guys I still have a chance to win a trip to L.A.
A lot cheaper to buy a mac in L.A than here in Finland :)
Please help a fellow macuser :)

The voting will continue for 3 weeks. After that 4 girls and 4 guys will be trapped inside a artgalleri for one week. A miniversion of Surviver :)
Its not TV. The show will be aired on radio and webcameras. 2 lucky winners (one girl one guy) will winn a tripp to L.A
I just have to wait and see :)

I will need every vote i can get :)
We macusers must stick together :)
Looking a bit better now.. but must wait still 2 weeks to see if I can get to the next stadge.
Would really want to buy a Ibook from the states.. much cheaper :)
hm nope.. Fred is in the #1

I´am 4 at the moment.. Ojvind Pakarinen..

But thanks for helping me out...
Originally posted by Click
hm nope.. Fred is in the #1

I´am 4 at the moment.. Ojvind Pakarinen..

But thanks for helping me out...

Yeah, at the time you were number 1... oh, well... are we allowed to vote multiple times?
one vote for every IP.

But it wouldnt maybe be so good if i suddenly got 7000 votes :)
For the moment its just important that I am amoung the first four.

at the same time you vote for me you could vote for one of the girls at the same time. Ninja sounds like a nice girl ;)
Thanks again...
love this forum :)
I voted for you. But things are not going well now. :(
You need more votes.

I think I voted. I don't have to register or anything do I?

Vote for Ninja also. How could you not? Her name is Ninja!

Anyway good luck Click!

Start a new thread with a name like "Free Money" and maybe you'll get more visitors!

-the valrus
You can vote for who ever you like but if you want to support me vote for ojvind pakarinen.
And don´t forget to vote for a nice girl to. My personal favorit is Ninja :)

Thanks blingbling and everyone else for your support :)
Whenever my i.p changes, I go and vote for you. Will you at least send a postcard from L.A. to me? :D

This is kind of lame since you can vote multiple times... What is to keep one of these people from stuffing the ballot?

(Which is much easier than asking folks to do so... ;) )

I voted 4 times. :D